Original Post: 12AUG2018
As much as I might have felt that I want success for myself. I realize now that I want success mostly for my family.
The end goal for my culinary career and how I will measure my success is to have a place my family can go. If I have a big home I want it to be mostly for my family. A place where my mom, dad, and sister can also call home at any given time. I want to make sure that we all spend time together for dinner and holidays. If any of them are ever in need I want to be able to support them in anything they need help in. I would love for my mom to not have to work, only work because she wants to since she loves what she does. I would love to go on holiday trips with my sister to every part of the world she has always wanted to visit with out any restrictions on time or money. I would also love to have a ranch for my father so he can finally just have his own horses instead of having to play the horses of strangers at the racetrack.
I realized that this is how I want to measure my success. Not being a celebrity and being praised by others. I just want my family to be happy and comfortable at all times. This is going to be my driving force.
Have you found your driving force? Send me a message if you agree with anything I said and if you have similar feelings yourself and your goals. I would love to hear what others feel in this regard.
Thank you for reading. Today feels like a day for writing.